Vision and mission
Quality, Safety, Health and Environment come first. Attention is focused on the health and safety of all workers of Jan De Nul Group, its subsidiaries and other implied parties. The impact on the environment is closely monitored and reduced to a minimum by offering solutions according to the BATNEEC-principle, the best available and economically viable technique.
For all our projects, we make up a Quality, Safety and Environment Plan, based on the specific client requirements and on the company standards for good workmanship, and taking into consideration the applicable law and regulations, directives and standards within the industry. Our suppliers and subcontractors have to meet the same requirements.
We achieve our goal by combining an excellent project management with a qualitative, safe, sound and environmental-friendly workplace. These working conditions lead to a voluntary, ecological and creative contribution, and a great job satisfaction of our workers.
Quality, safety, health, environment and welfare on the floor are our first priority. Our continuous efforts for optimization contribute to a sustainable management within Jan De Nul Group.
Thanks to its passionate workforce and to the continuous efforts, Canal De Guayaquil CGU S.A. executes its activities in line with the management system of Jan De Nul Group which is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified.